Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sexual Deviation as Conditioned Behavior †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Sexual Deviation as Conditioned Behavior. Answer: Introduction Pedophilia definition is; a persistent interest sexually in prepubescent children. It is manifested in fantasies, thoughts, sexual arousal, urges or sexual behavior (World Health Organization, 1997: American Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is the most common paraphilia discussed in the clinical areas and in research literature concerning forensic. In pedophilia the strongest form is in which the pedophilic individual has a strong interest sexually for those children who have no secondary sexual developments and also in mature adults. There is a case of pedophilia individuals who are sexually attracted to infants (Greenberg, Bradford Curry, 2003). In another category others are interested with pubescent children (Blanchard Barbaree, 2005 pp. 511-526). It has not yet been known the above represents different paraphilias or variants of pedophilia. In most cases people think that pedophilia and sexual offences against children are the same. Most individuals use the two interchangeably. The two are not synonymous. Some pedophilias are known to have never offended a child sexually and most sexual offenders to children are not pedophilias (Seto, Cantor Blanchard, 2006; Seto Lalumiere, 2005). Being pedophilia is not illegal whereas an adult who has sexual contact to prepubescent child is illegal. It is an offence to the law. The laws varies from country to country. Interest to children sexually is a pivotal motivation to sexual offense to children even though this is not the only cause. When men ask consent from post pubertal adolescents who are under the legal age, he engage in criminal behavior. This individuals are unlikely to be pedophilias. This is contrary to the cultural and temporal relativity. It dictates the age of consent and the objectives of the events should be reproduction. This is viewed as a sexual maladaptive Da rwinian perspective as the mating choice are incapable of giving birth. Pedophilia which is sexual orientation and can be heterosexual or homosexual in nature, it appears/emerges during the early life of the individual and it appears to be stable across all the lifespan. Whether to be heterosexual or homosexual (the orientation) onset is usually in puberty and this is often described as a process of discovery (McClintock Herdt, 2006 pp. 183-190; Quinsey, 2003). They discover their sexual interests in children in adolescents (Abel et al., 2007). In a study by (Marshall, Barberee and Eccles, 2006 pp. 323-336). The sample was 129 sexual offenders majorly to children. 41% was on boys who were unrelated. 35% was on girls who were unrelated and 10% was on related/incent. They reported to have this deviant behavior/sexual fantasies before the ages of 20. A quarter of the sample reported to have heard the sexual fantasies prior the sexual offense. Some were noted to have been concealing the onset of the fantasies. Freund and Kuban, (2006) in a study of 106 indi vidual who were sexual offenders, 76 of them admitted to have been having sexual interests in young children in their adolescent. They also discovered that many of the sex offenders they did study on were curious on seeing children nude. Explanation of pedophilia includes Finkerhors (2004) the preconditioning models. The Quadripartite model (Hall Hirschmans 2012), the integrated model (Marshall Barbaree, 2006). Ward and Siegert, (2010) pathways models. This are critiqued by Seto, (2005), Ward, Poloschek and Beech (2006). Different investigators have come up with proposals that masturbatory conditioning as a form of learning plays a major role in the development of pedophilia Laws Marshall, (2006, pp. 209-230); McGuire, Carlisle, Young, (2005, pp. 183-190). Majority of the people experiences their initial sexual experiences in their childhood as the play with other children. This is usually a normative play that is sexual. In some individuals they pair this physical cues; androgynous shapes, small body sizes, absence of the secondary development of the sexual characteristics with the sexual pleasures that were aroused initially by their playmates. They learn to associate this cues with very strong and powerful orgasms as a reinforcement through several series of masturbation using the childhood memories of the sexual pleasures. There are others who have the same exciting sexual memories of their childhood ages but they do not have sex with prepubescent children. Pedophilias are blocked in their shift in the age preference. This suggests that some individuals are affected by this learning process. Most of the children predisposed to this condition are usually those who have poor parent-child attachment. They experiences neglect abuse, they have a high sex drive and they are aggressive, Ward et al, (2006). Through this study it does not explain if learning brings about pedophilia all it does is explain t he impacts of conditioning in the sexual arousal patterns. Aversion conditioning can be used in correcting this sexual. To suppress the sexual arousal to the sexual stimuli to children. The masturbatory reconditioning are used so as to enhance sexual arousal towards adult as the stimuli. With this it is clear that behavioral methods can be used in sexual offenders and change them. It is clear that sexual offenders who are pedophilic have a past sexual history of abuse as children this is in comparison with other se offenders. Those sex offenders who reports to have been sexually abused are more likely to confess their sexual arousals by children and the arousal is greater than that of those sexual offenders with no abuse history Becker, Kaplan, Hunter, (2006); Worling, (2005). There is an association of childhood sexual abuse and pedophilia Jackson, Pattison Ward, (2012). Lee et al, (2007, pp. 73-92) did a comparative study between 64 adult sexual offenders and 33 nonviolent offenders. The results were that childhood emotional abuse did cut across all the paraphilia and sexual abuse was specifically for pedophilia. Brain abnormalities have been suspected to be the cause of pedophilias. Late in the 19th century, Krafft-Ebing did an autopsy of a homicidal pedophilic brain. He observed morbid changes in the frontal lobes. This changes were in the 1st and 2nd temporal convulsion, parts of occipital convolutions. In other case studies it has been seen that injuries on the brain causes pedophilic sexual behaviors; collections of childhood pornography is part of brain injury Burns Swerdlow (2003). A male patient at 40 years, who was pedophilia lost his interest in children when his right orbital-frontal tumor was removed. The orbital frontal region is a behavioral inhibition area. Hucker et al., (2006) a research done shows that sexual offenders have lower intelligence than all the other offenders. Blanchard et al, (2001) reports that pedophilic sexual offenders have a history of brain injury by the age of thirteen years. This is an interesting window as it is the age where they develop sexual prefer ences. The early adolescents. This is the time sexual orientation and interests develops. This neural development disorder could be during the prenatal years. Cantor and colleagues, (2006) did a comparison on the magnetic resonance images of 65 and 63 pedophilic and non-pedophilic individuals respectively. They revealed that pedophilic have a significantly difference in their white gray matter. Specifically in their association tracts, superior occipital-frontal fasciculus. This tracts connects the occipital and the frontal regions that are used in implications of visual stimulus in the sexual nature. With no doubt pedophilia is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Sri Lanka legal issues on child sexual offences Sexual abuse in Sri Lanka is appearing to be one of the major issues in Sri Lanka. The current number of complaints filed and reported by The National Child Protection Authority as per the report given in July 2016 was; procuring to beg, 31 cases. Cruelty to children 158 cases. Sexual harassment 75 cases, rape 34 cases. Grave sexual abuse 4 cases. Neglect of children 75 cases. The government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) agrees that quality of the childhood has a very big influence on development of a person. It therefore rafted and signed the national child protection policy in 1991. It stipulated that children opt to be respected as they are the young generation. The main aim of the policy is to ensure coordination in all organizations that works towards protecting the children and the development of the children. It ensures that it strengths the resilience of the children and increases their capacity so as to resist abuse by formulating laws and policies. By then there was little awareness of the issues that were related to abuse of children especially sexual abuse. GoSL over ensuring time/period took corrective measures/actions to have the children protected better. This was a follow-up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989. The National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) established by ACT No.50 in 1998. It is the principal Authority in children protection and promoting children rights. It was also given the mandate to formulate national policies for children protection. Policies for prevention of children abuse and policies for the treatment of those children who fall victims. One of the main guideline principles in the GoSL policy involves protecting the children against any form of abuse, exploitation or/and harm. In 2016 the present of Indonesia, Joko Widodo signed a decree to authorize chemical castration on those convicted to be children sex offenders and those released they are made to wear electronic monitors devices. Cited works Marshall, L., Laws, D., Howard, E., (2013). Sexual assault: issues, theories and treatment of the offender. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=enlr=id=lkf2BwAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PA3dq=Sexual+Deviance:+Theory,+Assessment,+and+Treatmentots=Kd862LoNO8sig=BJPleWSLl4lo8NPzSL3V_qvJsFcredir_esc=y#v=onepageq=Sexual%20Deviance%3A%20Theory%2C%20Assessment%2C%20and%20Treatmentf=false Laws, R., William, T., ODonohue. (2008) sexual deviance; theories, assessment, and treatment. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=enlr=id=yIXG9FuqbaICoi=fndpg=PA164dq=theories+associated+with+pedophiliaots=Eknk6k0mYDsig=eNedv4RMHh4cMT5PoiGBwlWJw0Mredir_esc=y#v=onepageq=theories%20associated%20with%20pedophiliaf=false Blanchard, R., et al., (2002). 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