Saturday, May 16, 2020

research paper marriage tradition - 1355 Words

(Susana) Wai Ha Fok EN114 Marriage Traditions: Vast difference There is a huge difference between Chinese and western culture in marriage traditions. Due to the different background of religions, histories, also the evolution of thought and custom, meanings behind the marriage and wedding routines are vary. Chinas traditional idea of marriage is believed in â€Å"accommodate to the harmonious† philosophy (I Ching: Book of Changes, Fu Xi). It is not only a deal between two people but also related to their families and social relationship. On the other hand, Americans believes that marriage is gift from God and means that couples are combined in one. However, no matter in what the culture, a wedding is always full of blessing and†¦show more content†¦There is also a common phenomenon that couples from these two countries will have much more pressure than before getting marry during the preparation because they may be worried about the preparation and whole routine, such as, budget of the whole marriage, guest list, date s of wedding etc.    Based on the difference of culture background, China and America celebrate their wedding in unique ways. Before getting married, Chinese couples have to give a formal visit to each other’s parents in order to get the permission of marriage. Next, they will discuss to choose the best day from the Chinese lunar calendar that is symbol as goodness to get marriage. It is very important in Chinese culture because it means couples would have a smooth life and good luck after the wedding. However, there are no limitations on the exact day for a wedding in the US. Couples can get married whenever they prefer. They often have an engagement before wedding. In the US the day the couples get engaged is often a special surprise for the girl that the groom-to-be plans with great care. One of the biggest differences between China and the USA is the format of wedding. In China are three letters and six etiquettes need to be followed in traditional wedding. However, people in tense to simplify them to match up the trending of society. In todays main processes, bridegroom and bestShow MoreRelatedResearch Proposal : Evolution Of Wedding Ceremony729 Words   |  3 PagesResearch Proposal: Evolution of wedding ceremony in Dhaka Date: October 11, 2017 To: Ms. Nasrin Pervin From: M. Alif Ur Rahman, ID#141 012 0042, ENG 105, Sec: 25 Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project on the evolution of wedding ceremonies in Dhaka INTRODUCTION A Bengali wedding is a mixture of unique tradition, culture and rituals. 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