Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Race and the Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Race and the Community - Essay Example Some years ago members of certain races were discriminated in the communities and were seen to be inferior to others. This posed a threat to peaceful coexistence of the different people from different races. However with the civilization the racial discrimination slowly ebbed out. Today racial difference between different parties is almost meaningless. In this paper I will show the extent of a peaceful co-existent of the Cubans in the Bradenton county, Florida, among different races and how and racial identities in the county has helped built healthy and just communities though normally considered to be divisive (Herrera, 2001). The Bradenton county seat is located in the manatee county of Florida, a western state of the United States of America. Manatee County is found on the west coast of the state and is well connected to the other parts of the country. It is situated on the tamiana trail, and the paradise loop that connects top the Dixie highway. The town of Bradenton on the other hands connects well to the entire town and the villages of the county. Bradenton is the most metropolitan of the west coast state and the most rapidly growing county in the state. The county seat is located on the south bank of the manatee river which is useful in fishing, bathing boating and other sports. The county seat town is beautiful and has magnificent architectural designs, magnificent theatres, and hotels and a leader in celery distribution. The manatee county is one of the areas in Florida with the highest concentration of Latin American immigrants and specifically the Cuban Americans due to proximity to Cuba .Cuban Americans are people who emigrated from Cuba to America during the Spanish rule, and also those who emigrated in search of better lives, others were offered political refuge against the harsh Cuban rulers and became permanent citizens of USA. The population of Cubans is estimated to stand at 11% of the total migrant population with Mexicans comprising the highest percentage of the population. Assimilation of Cubans Apart from these Cuban ethnic communities other communities also have residence in the county (Maria, 1994). Some of them include the Bradenton town is a relatively, which is a cosmopolitan modern city. Other Migrants into the county comprised Mexicans, Mayans, Indians from Guatemala Asians and Spanish speakers. Just like the other communities, Cubans have well been assimilated into the cultures and the way of life of Americans. the people in this neighborhood travels and reside together and work together not just accidental but a well knit social unit bound together by the family relationships and the common local cultures of the different ethnicities. The Cuban have adopted all the aspect of the Americans, the language, tastes such that it is difficult to differentiate between a Cuban and other communities were it not for the physical characteristics. Cuban Americans have successfully establishing businesses and developing political clout by transforming Bradenton into a modern cit y (Herrera, 2001). Coexistence The threat of the coexistence of the races together and the subsequent emergence of the racial discrimination could be attributed to some cause. Racism evolved during the European exploration of the world and the discovery of new worlds. As the explores reached new lands the found the original inhabitants of such a place where more they waged

Monday, February 10, 2020

Role of Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Role of Culture - Research Paper Example Introduction Before going into the discussion regarding role of culture in a country, let us get a better understanding of what culture actually is. Culture represents the customs and traditions of people living in any specific society. Kartha (n.d.) states, â€Å"Culture is something that a person learns from his family and surroundings, and is not ingrained in him from birth†. It is a pattern of such behaviors and characteristics, which a person needs to learn if he or she wants to survive in a society in an appropriate manner. In this paper, we will not only discuss the role which culture plays in the lives of people living in Puerto Rico but also we will examine the culture of Puerto Rico from different aspects, such as, education, business management, communication, politics, food, religion, and etiquettes. Role of Culture in a Country Culture plays a critical role in shaping the behaviors and characteristics of people living in any specific country. Culture shapes the wa y the citizens communicate with each other. It gives an identity to the people of a country, which differentiates them from the people of other countries. Culture is the backbone of every society or any country. Every country has a different culture, which differentiates from the cultures of other countries. ... â€Å"Usually, people who settle in other nations imbibe the new culture, while at the same time strive to preserve their own† (Kartha, n.d.). Cultural Influences of Puerto Rico Culture plays its role in setting the dimensions for the economic progress of Puerto Rico. Beautiful landscapes and rich culture of Puerto Rico provide a sensual feast for the visitors (Beasley, 2010). Culture is involved in every aspect of the country’s growth and development. Some of the most common fields in which culture holds a very significant position include education, business management, communication, politics, food, religion, etiquettes, and gender roles. Let us discuss how culture makes an impact on the progress and development of Puerto Rico, which is an unincorporated territory of the United Sates of America. Impact on Education Culture has a very significant impact on the education of Puerto Rico. Cultural tendencies influence the way students participate in the process of learni ng. Understanding of the culture also influences perception and awareness of the students, which helps them deal with different challenges regarding education. Improvement in the process of learning is the best example of cultural influence on education in Puerto Rico. Students improve their process of learning when their teachers emphasize on mental representations, visual learning strategies, and hands on learning. In Puerto Rico, it is one of the main responsibilities of a teacher to integrate the elements of culture in the process of educating the children because in this way, children can become familiar with norms and values of their own culture. Those students, who learn the values of their cultures and exhibit them throughout their educational career, achieve